четверг, 15 октября 2020 г.

6.loeng Comment to book "The Case for Copyright Reform" of Rick Falkvinge and Christian Engströmi

Сomments to "Constructive Proposal For Copyright Reform"

When I begin to write that blog page, I decided to start with epigraph "You are communist till the first capital." and then explain why Pirate Party is wrong and its ideas are egoistic. However, after a while of discovering the topic in Internet, I had been totally confused. Both "For" and "Against" cases sounds earnestly. I wrote two the most contradictory statement bellow.

A Ban on DRM

Money is not just a big motivation to create thing and evidence of importance of your work. Usually, without money you cannot to start creation and open your potential. From one point of view, DRM protects from piracy, so it suppose to save money. "Open Letter to Hobbyists" of Bill Gates shows and explains how bad privacy is and what harm it does to development. But DRM banning is not about motivating developers to work for "Thank you", but to find another another business model. To support the idea of DRM meaninglessness I can also give an example of Paradox CEO and co-owner Fred Wester statement.  But, that sample about game making. There are another areas that are living only by selling its content. For instance, beat or 3D models makers. To ban DRM means to make them work for free.

20 Years Of Commercial Monopoly

This statement describe unfair duration of copyrighting. I can´t understand the reason why they called it monopoly. The talk about Intellectual property. If one person will write pop song, how he will interfere to another? The statement is ridiculous for the reason, if, for example, book expired it copyrights, it is become public. That means, author will not more earn money for book selling, despite printing company.

It's hard to leave an opinion on such a deep topic. The only thing I can write in the end:" two hours passed quickly."

used link: http://falkvinge.net/wp-content/uploads/large/The%20Case%20For%20Copyright%20Reform%20(2012)%20Engstrom-Falkvinge.pdf


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