четверг, 29 октября 2020 г.


 Eesti IT proff.

Kes proff on?

Kindlasti, esiteks, Eestil proffidel on samad omadused nagu teistel. Ma ei hakka neid sisukalt kirjeldada (sest see on tehtud juba E-ITSPEA wikis väga hästi), vaid kirjutan põhimõtteid:

  • Proff peab omama kõike oskusi seotud erialaga.

Proff peab saama aru seda eriala, miles ta on proff. IT proff peab ka oskama inglise keelt.

  • Proff peab olema sotsiaalselt küps.

IT enamasti on gruppi töö. Wunderkind ilma sotsialisserimisoskuseta on vähem produktiivne, kui töötaja kahe aastase kogemusega, kes saab läbi inimesega kergelt.

  • Proff peab "oskama töötada".

Ta peab olema vastutustundlik, tõsiselt suhtub töösse. 

Mida peab omama Eesti IT proff?

IT eriala on rohkem seotud kübermaailmaga, mitte maailmaga milleпф töötaja on piiratud. Sel põhjusel, ma arvan, et, eesti IT proffi ei erine palju teistelt proffidelt. Kõige suurem eritus, kindlasti, on seatud keelte oskusega. Eesti proff peab oskama rohkem keeli. Põhjalikult ta oskab eesti keelt ja inglise keelt, vaid see on ka pluss, kui tegelane oskab vene ja soome keeli, sel juhul temale on avatud teed ettevõtetele vene või soome kollektiiviga.

воскресенье, 25 октября 2020 г.

7. loeng Copyleft


The concept of copyleft idea is programs have to be free. That does not connected with Marx ideas. As author of copyleft concept once said "To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer”". Program has to have open code. Everybody could see it, change and make difference in it. Or even make a new project based on that code. The only thing they can not do is to limit rights of the project. The rule of open code is permanent. That allow to all ideas fully unlock its potential.

Types of copyleft

The most popular license. It does not allow to object become proprietary. It give rights to change the code or make copies.
License for objects of documentation type. It allow to change and spread the documentation commercially or not.

Similar to GNU General Public License, but object licensed by Lesser License could be used in proprietaries programs.

четверг, 15 октября 2020 г.

6.loeng Comment to book "The Case for Copyright Reform" of Rick Falkvinge and Christian Engströmi

Сomments to "Constructive Proposal For Copyright Reform"

When I begin to write that blog page, I decided to start with epigraph "You are communist till the first capital." and then explain why Pirate Party is wrong and its ideas are egoistic. However, after a while of discovering the topic in Internet, I had been totally confused. Both "For" and "Against" cases sounds earnestly. I wrote two the most contradictory statement bellow.

A Ban on DRM

Money is not just a big motivation to create thing and evidence of importance of your work. Usually, without money you cannot to start creation and open your potential. From one point of view, DRM protects from piracy, so it suppose to save money. "Open Letter to Hobbyists" of Bill Gates shows and explains how bad privacy is and what harm it does to development. But DRM banning is not about motivating developers to work for "Thank you", but to find another another business model. To support the idea of DRM meaninglessness I can also give an example of Paradox CEO and co-owner Fred Wester statement.  But, that sample about game making. There are another areas that are living only by selling its content. For instance, beat or 3D models makers. To ban DRM means to make them work for free.

20 Years Of Commercial Monopoly

This statement describe unfair duration of copyrighting. I can´t understand the reason why they called it monopoly. The talk about Intellectual property. If one person will write pop song, how he will interfere to another? The statement is ridiculous for the reason, if, for example, book expired it copyrights, it is become public. That means, author will not more earn money for book selling, despite printing company.

It's hard to leave an opinion on such a deep topic. The only thing I can write in the end:" two hours passed quickly."

used link: http://falkvinge.net/wp-content/uploads/large/The%20Case%20For%20Copyright%20Reform%20(2012)%20Engstrom-Falkvinge.pdf


четверг, 8 октября 2020 г.

5. loeng. Aita piirata sõimusõdu

Aita piirata sõimusõdu

I often use Russian social media "Vkontakte" to chat with friends or to waste time by watching memes. To be honest, every media has a lot of "right people" and trolls, but Russian´s ones has much higher percentage of those wunderkinds. For example, if you play in "Dota" or "LoL", you will unlikely stay for a long time in Russian server. The reason in not Europeans treat to game more serious. It is, simply,  much more easer to communicate with them. It is hard to say, that European community is kinder, but it does not has desire to offence each other.

Back to my story, I use to spend time in Vk. Onetime I spend three days of disputing with another user about gays in Russia. My opponent and I have wasted a lot of nervous and time more for making up with offending, than arguments. The dispute ended when he banned me. In that moment I felt I won in the fight, but later I understood I simply appeared more stubborn. I though I got the moral and that story will never happen again. But it happened a lot of times. The last dispute was about week ago. I started being polite in the conversation, but after the first offence of the opponent I felt so offended, that spent about hour of making up with the message.

To stop that stories and "aita piirata sõimusõdu", I feel the only thing I can do is to ignore such users. And start to spend time in Pikabu or Reddit.



суббота, 3 октября 2020 г.

4. loeng Pekka Himanen´s rapport review

Pekka Himanen's report review 

Pekka Himanen's report had been specially written to Finish parliament. One of its roles was to reform the "Finish model" and make a difference in it. However, the economy becomes more and more global, so most of the statements are related to change the world´s economical politics. "The global development of the information society has reached a phase that requires new actions from us all."

In his report, three models are described. These models have remained successful in the economy: the “Silicon Valley model”, the “Singapore model” and the “Finnish model” of US, China, and EU respectively. All of them are not ideal, have a lot of drawbacks without positive final results. Therefore, Pekka Himanen suggests reforming "Finish model" and write new scenario based on the importance of implementing fair-society values.  In addition, he writes about the four keys of the new social developing concept: 1. A creative economy 2. A creative welfare society 3. Humanly meaningful development 4. A global culture.

From my point of view, still,  plenty of statements as "people have equal opportunities to realize their potential and are protected against the random misfortunes of life" seems utopian. On the other hand, the pursuit of the ideal must be endless, and nowadays our world is trying to achieve it. The world is becoming more globalized: the concept of "patriotism" is dying among the youngsters, who strive to be cosmopolitan. Unfortunately, new times showed the black side of globalization: migration problems. To my mind, the current society is too focused on tolerance, that, it seems the future will have problems with reverse-racism, more that with actual racism.

I consider that social behavior is too unpredictable to develop like Himanen's concept. Many unexpected obstacles await us and maybe that idealistic concept will change in the future. But right now, it seems the most convenient society's developing model

15.loeng Eetika ja IT

Technology Code of Conduct  of  Ewing Public School  The Ewing public school create own ethic codex for using internet for their students.  ...