воскресенье, 27 сентября 2020 г.

3. loeng. Uus meedia...?

 Influence of Wikipedia on material search

It was much more difficult to find all necessary information 20 years before. Information sources were incomplete and it took too much time to access to all of them. But, nowadays, we have opposite problem. There are too much information.  Happily, in 2001 was opened source called Wikipedia, which still remains one of the most reliable source.

The main idea of Wikipedia was to create encyclopedia, which allows to every person edit it or write new topics. It´s older brother was "Nupeida". It had success in the time, but it was hard to get the access to write there, so the source was developing very slow.
3d map of Wikipedia topics
Today Wikipedia is the most famous site. To safe the credibility of the source it has rules: topic has to be written in encyclopedia format(no author opinion), the topic has to have neutral point of view, topic´s sources are free to read. Otherwise, the topic will be deleted.

In 2006 portal "Nature" published topic with the research. It shows that "Wikipedia comes close to Britannica in terms of the accuracy of its science entries".

To conclude, Wikipedia always developing and has so much information, that it would be impossible to make physical analog of it. And considering all its capacity, it has still remained reliable. Certainly, Wikipedia make a big difference in the information searching.


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