суббота, 19 сентября 2020 г.

2. loeng "Arpanetist Facebookini - Interneti kujunemislugu"

 "Retro stuff"

Radio transmission of programs

For the first time, the radio downloading was available for public in Bristol radio program "Datarama".  Listeners with the tape recorder could record a "special cacophony of sounds" and convert the sounds into bites sequence. This is how it sounded. The first thing that program´s authors decided to send was 40x80 photo of  actress Cheryl Ladd.
That method began to become famous and it started to develop. For instance, "Hobbyscoop" company  even developed special cassette BASICODE format for the BASIC apps. It started to be available to download programs and even computer games. From 1983 to 1968 well-known broadcast of the Yugoslav show "Fan 202" had made 150 programs: from calculators to flight simulators. The broadcast was so famous that it began translating in national TV. 

However, the culture of  the "radio transmission" faded away as quickly as another ways of transmitting information have entered everyday life: for example, floppy disks.



The oldest phonograph record dates in 1860, but vinyl has still remained well known. Even, considering that nowadays there are better ways to record audio, for example SACD (Super Audio CD), still a lot of people prefer vinyl to digital format. Basically, those people are mainly old music lovers. In fact, in that case vinyl has indeed better sound´s quality, because, primordial, that music was recorded to vinyl and only then it had been rewritten to digital format.

In my point of view, vinyl will exist as long, as people will listen classic music. Using the argument "Rock never dies" and formal logic, we could calculate the vinyl´s end. 

sources: demon.com

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