четверг, 17 декабря 2020 г.

15.loeng Eetika ja IT

Technology Code of Conduct of Ewing Public School 

The Ewing public school create own ethic codex for using internet for their students. 

To be honest, i felt the influx of youthful maximalism, when started read the lines as "The Ewing Public Schools have taken precautions to restrict access to controversial materials". However, from my point of view, principles of school internet codex is logical and right.

  • Do not be abusive in communications to others.
  • Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.
  • Do not reveal personal addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, or other identifying personal information.
  • Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users.
  • Do not engage in any illegal activities.
That rules are full of school atmosphere. There is no word about polite relationship, but only prohibitions to not swear or to not do illegal activities. This code of conduct is absurd for serious entertainment. The rules are too obvious. But still, it is interesting to feel the difference of ethic rules for youngsters and adults.

Kastutatud allikad:



понедельник, 14 декабря 2020 г.

E-ITSPEA 14: Andmeturveː tehnoloogia, koolitus ja reeglid


Internet fraud, as in real life, is most dangerous for naive people. Dreams of possibilities to invest 100 dollars in a pyramid and get twice as much or hope that prince from Nigiriya will come and buy you a house will not occur to a person who understands the economy and people. But, it's easier to protect a person than to teach him life. Here's what might help:


There is no antivirus that would save you from people. Scammers are manipulators, and in order to recognize them, you must know about their existence. Therefore, it will help to subscribe to special mailings that inform about the current Internet fraud.


As already written above, the main thing is to know that the Internet is full of bad people, and that you need to treat every stranger with distrust.


The best practice is to study all high-profile cases of fraud.

понедельник, 7 декабря 2020 г.

E-ITSPEA 13: Teistmoodi IT

Puuduga inimeste elu alati oli raske. Eriti kui inimesel ei ole võimalusi teha põhilisi asju nagu nägema, kuulama või rääkida. Õnneseks, meie ühiskond annab selle inimestele teenuseid, mida kergendavad neid elu. IT valdkonnas, mis põhiidee on inimiste elu kergendamine, tekkivad ka palju teenuseid puudega inimesteks. Täna tahaksin rääkida natuke sellest.

Be My Eyes
Be my Eyes app aitab nägemisvõimetu inimestele teha rutiine asju. Näiteks, määrama mis värvi on särk või kui palju leib maksab. Rutiinsete probleemide lahendamine on programmide jaoks äärmiselt keeruline. Selleks on vaja väga keerukat närvivõrku. Kuid arendajad valisid lihtsama ja tõhusama viisi. App töötab inimeste abiga. Nägemisvõimetu inimene küsib midagi ja näitab video ülekannet. Be My Eyes seob tema teise inimesega, mis vastab tema küsimusele.  

15.loeng Eetika ja IT

Technology Code of Conduct  of  Ewing Public School  The Ewing public school create own ethic codex for using internet for their students.  ...